Who is GBL and Why Unreal?
Here's our story!
In 2020, we shifted our focus from teaching rock music to game development due to our students' and our own love for gaming. We introduced Game Builders and had great success with it. Four years later, we decided to move solely online. We prioritize the importance of engaging lessons and catering to different learning styles, built for our extensive teaching experiences.

Why Unreal?
Unreal is the future, it's a no brainer. but why?
Well everyone is either using it or is switching to it. and it's more than just games.
Movies/ TV shows/ Agricultral/ Special Forces (and the list goes on)
here's an explanation of the engine below!

Game Builders Live is the perfect place to learn how to make video games from the ground up!
Our team of experienced game developers provides live and interactive game development classes that follow a carefully crafted curriculum, designed to help all students understand and retain the information. We focus on using Unreal Engine as it is the most widely used game engine in the industry. We believe learning should be fun, and we encourage growth and creativity at every step of the way.
Sign up for our classes now and start creating your own games!